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Game Developers


After taking this course, you will be able to create a basic website. This includes incorporating basic design elements, such as fonts, tables, images, borders, and colors, understanding best practices for accessibility, structural integrity, and scalability (separating content and style elements), and creating web forms. Upon completion, you may choose to pursue an entry-level position in website development or take more advanced courses that would prepare you to design and create web applications.

HTML and CSS.png

Self-Study Course Includes:

Books: a $75 value

Videos: a $250 value

Practice Test by MeasureUp: a $100 value


With CertPREP, you get all this and
more for just $199.00. Get started today!

Course Outline

Lesson 1: HTML Fundamentals

  • Skill 1.1: Construct well-formed page markup

  • Skill 1.2: Construct markup that uses metadata elements

Lesson 2: Document Structure using HTML

  • Skill 2.1: Construct and analyze markup to structure and organize data

  • Skill 2.2: Construct and analyze markup that uses HTML5 semantic elements

  • Skill 2.3: Construct and analyze markup that implements navigation

  • Skill 2.4: Construct and analyze markup that implements form elements

Lesson 3: CSS Fundamentals

  • Skill 3.1: Analyze and implement inline styles, internal (embedded) style sheets, and external style sheets

  • Skill 3.2: Construct and analyze rule sets

Lesson 4: Multimedia Presentation using HTML

  • Skill 4.1: Construct and analyze markup that displays images

  • Skill 4.2: Construct and analyze markup that plays video and audio

Lesson 5: Webpage Styling using CSS

  • Skill 5.1: Construct and analyze styles that position content

  • Skill 5.2: Construct and analyze styles that format text

  • Skill 5.3: Construct and analyze styles that format backgrounds and borders

  • Skill 5.4: Construct and analyze styles that create a simple responsive layout

Lesson 6: Accessibility, Readability, and Testing

  • Skill 6.1: Construct well-formatted HTML and CSS markup that conforms to industry best practices

  • Skill 6.2: Apply accessibility principles and evaluate content accessibility

  • Skill 6.3: Evaluate the structural integrity of HTML and CSS markup

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